Friday, May 22, 2015

Spring Into Wellness ~ PLG Trio

I cannot believe we are already to week 4 of our Spring Into Wellness series.  This has been so much fun & so great for ME...........I hope you've been able to get at least half as much from this as I have.  WOW!! I continued to be amazed each day by these essential oils & other products & supplements.  I am so thankful that I found this incredible company to help me take natural, pure care of my family!!!  
So, this month we've taken a specific health focus for each week.  I've tried to share some of Young Living's amazing products & supplements with you along with their essential oils.  For this last week in the series we will be focusing on Diet/Exercise.  I mean, seriously, who doesn't need this??  I'd venture to say that almost everyone we know has made these statements, "I'd like to lose a little (a lot) of weight.", "I'd like to be in better shape."  I saved this topic for the last week because it is the one that I need help with the most.  I've struggled with my weight most of my adult life.  It seems I've never been satisfied with my body.  I've tried every quick fix out there.  Now that I've hit 40 I know my battle is going to get that much harder.  So, at this point in my life, I do not want a quick fix.......I just want pure, natural, good for me products that are going to help me take care of my body.  Do I still want to lose weight??  YES!!  Do I still want to look better??  YES!!  BUT my main focus now is NOT to be skinny or hit a certain number on the scales.  My focus now is to make MY body the best it can be & the healthiest it can be.  I will be sharing products, supplements, & oils this week that can aid me (& you) in life's health journey.  I hope you find this helpful.  As always, feel free to ask me any questions that you have OR if you've decided to join the oil train, message me & I'll gladly help you get started!!

The first thing we'll talk about is a well know little "trio" of oils.  These are used by lots of people to help aid their bodies into losing weight.  The three oils I'm talk about are Peppermint, Lemon, & Grapefruit.  Each of these oils is capable of doing great things on their own. When you use them together.......WOW!!!!  I'm including several amazing graphics to help you see what these oils can support your body to.  All three of these oils can be used aromatically, topically, & internally.  

Can you believe there are so many uses & ways to use these oils??


I am also going to include some graphics that share ideas on how to use these oils.  There are so many ways!!!  Some of these I have tried & others I have not yet.  I'm excited to have new ways to help me meet my health goals!!!  Which ideas do you see that you'd like to try?

We have already talked earlier this month about the amazing Ningxia Red.  I believe this is something everyone she have daily!!  Over the past several months I have participated in two "30 Day Ningxia Red" challenges.  And it is unreal just how much better & more energetic I feel when I'm having my daily red.  So, why not up the benefits by adding the oils that will aid in a healthier body?

 Only Peppermint & Grapefruit are pictured, but lemon is also a very nice addition to the red!! 

We all know that one key to losing weight & being healthy is to stay hydrated.  I'm gonna be completely real & honest with y'all.......this is an area that I need MAJOR improvement in.  I honestly just cannot stand water!!!  I wish I did.  I will try to make myself drink enough water & most of the time I end of gagging.  I have had plenty of times when I could tell that my body was dehydrated.  So, I've got to figure out a way to change that.  I love the idea in this graphic......adding these citrus oils to water does seem to help me drink more.  Now to just stay focused & do it daily!!!  What are your favorite oils to use in your water.  **Note:  When adding citrus oils to your water, make sure that you are drinking from a glass or stainless steel cup.  Citrus oils will pull toxins from plastic.  So, if you're drinking from a plastic cup, you will be ingesting the toxins while I drinking your water!!  YUCK!!!! 
Do you have tips on how you make sure to get enough water?  I'd love to hear them.  Here are ore ways to up your HYDRATION.

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