Saturday, October 11, 2014

My Baby is did that happen???

The older I get the more I understand something that I've heard all my life..........Time FLIES!  I remember being a child & thinking that Christmas would NEVER get here.  Now Christmas seems to be coming faster & faster each year!!  So, I'm trying very hard to seize each & every moment with my girls & my family!!  The song "Don't Blink"  will bring me to tears everytime.  
I feel like I was just in the hospital having Aubrey, somehow that was 5 years ago!!!  I'm so thankful each day for her sweet self.  She marches to her own drum & she truly completes our family!! 
 My heart............these three right here are what keep me going!!

Our Homeschooling Fun

When we decided to homeschool our girls, I found myself worrying about how to teach them enough.  Then I realized that our children are learning every single day...........from the time they wake up until the time they go to sleep!!  Now, obviously this is not formal education type learning, but still a very vital piece of the education puzzle.  I still have days that I worry that I'm not doing enough.......but I think that is normal for new homeschool families.  So, while we're doing our studies, we're also finding lessons in daily activities.
The girls love to go to their Daddy's vet clinic.  There are always lessons to be learned there.  In science, Ava has been studying caniforms (dog-like carnivores) & feliforms (cat-like carnivores)--these are 2 large subgroups of Carnivora.  So she gets to see lots of science application at the clinic.  When we were there last week she told me that Breezy & Mr. Big are feliforms!!
 We've also enjoyed a recent trip to a local orchard.  We were able to see many different kinds of apples & pumpkins.  They also had some other seasonal vegetables & some potted plants. 
 My girls LOVE going to the zoo.  This is what we do for their birthdays instead of having a party.  We let them choose what to do & they always want to go back to the zoo.  So they were really excited about last week's field trip.  While we were at the zoo, we had to check on Lola & see how much she had grown since our last visit!
 Ava was eager to take notes to go in the science journaling notebook that we have. 

Then we came home & mapped the animals we studied on our world map!!  The girls thought that was really cool!!

End of Summer, Start of Fall

Fall is my very favorite time of year!!  I love when the weather cools off & the leaves change colors.  I love wearing sweatshirts & fixing all kinds of yummy comfort food that comes with the cooler weather!!  Fall also lends itself to more family time..........that's always a plus! Well, here are a few of the things that we've had going on at close of summer leading into the fall.  I hope you enjoy......

I invited my Young Living team to my house for an Essential Oil 102 Make & Take class.  Everyone seemed to really enjoy it.  We made sleep cream, pain cream, sugar scrub, & anti-aging serum.  I love that we can make all these things from 100% natural & pure ingredients.  I also made Lavender cupcakes to serve at the make & take..........I thought they turned out pretty well..........the lavender adds a lovely flavor.

Summer also means that the garden crops are waning.  I didn't have as many jalapenos as I wanted this year, but I had enough to do one big batch of pickled peppers & an even bigger batch of cowboy candy.  If you've not tried this, you don't know what you're missing!!  We've not found anything yet that we don't enjoy it with!!  Yummy, delicious sweet heat!!

We ended the summer with a few get togethers with our church family.  I love how close these kids are.  They really enjoyed this evening playing badminton!
With the perfect weather we're enjoying right now, one of the kids' favorite games is Red Rover.  After most every church service you can see these lines form.  I'm so thankful for these sweet memories!