Thursday, October 29, 2015

It's An Oily Upcycle!!

Who else is like me & has a continuously growing stash of empty Young Living containers??  If you use & LOVE Young Living Essential Oils, then I know you are ordering & replacing the products that you use the most.  When I started emptying my first oil bottles, I couldn't bring my self to just throw them away.  I'm sure that sounds crazy to some people, but it just seemed wrong to me.  I felt there had to be away to reuse them or recycle them.  I started making my own roller bottles to carry on the go with me.  And then I shared this post on what to do with all those empty bottles. And it works great for allowing me to recycle all my YL bottles.  
With the same thought in mind, I've held on the Ningxia Red bottles that my family has emptied.  I have just been waiting for the right idea for reusing them.  I saw online that someone had used them bath salts & I fell in love with that idea.  What an amazing gift that would make & you can totally customize it.  Bath salts is one of my favorite ways to use my essential oils.  
So, here's what I did.  I took one of my clean, dry bottles.  I headed outside with a bottle of chalkboard spray paint.  I painted the entire bottle & top, then let them dry overnight.  The next day I was ready to fill my bottle.  For this particular gift I wanted to something aid in the release of life's daily stresses & something to ease the tension from sore muscles.  I decided to go with Lavender & Stress Away along with Panaway & Valor.    
When I finished filling the bottle I was able to add it to a basket with a few other YL products.  I think this made a very nice gift.  And I'll tell ya, it was greatly appreciated!!  So, the next time you need a gift, look no further than your oily stash!! It will totally make someone's day.

Thursday, October 8, 2015

We are Family

How is it that my first little baby is 9 & my last little baby is 6??  I feel like I was just in the hospital last week having my first baby!!  Time is flying and it is completely bittersweet. I am so happy & thankful that my girls are healthy & growing as they should. But I do wish there was a "slo mo" button. I just want my girls to stay little & innocent as long as possible. The old saying really is true...."The days are long, but the years are short." So very short....

Here are some pictures from each of their birthdays.....Ava's was in June, Aub's was last week. 

FAMILY.........what does it mean to you? To me it means everything in the world. I'm no going I pretend that I love my family anymore than the next mom/parent out there. We should all love our family more than anyone else. These girls are truly the best part of me. And Jim, well, he is the very best husband & daddy around. I wouldn't want to share this life with anyone else. 
I wonder if I tell them enough. I guess, if I have to ask then the answer is NO!! Hmm.....something to work on. 😉
Well, just for the record, these are my people....
....& they are everything to me.  I hope they know that!!