Wednesday, November 5, 2014
My Essential Oils Story
A Guide to Using Essential Oils
So, you haven't jumped on the oily bandwagon yet, BUT you're so curious about what all the fuss is about. How do you decide if these essential oils are right for you & your family? There is so much info to read & so much to learn that it can be a bit overwhelming to get started using essential oils. But let me tell you, once your jump in, you'll be so glad that you did. It will be the BEST decision you've ever made!!!
So where do we start? First off, let's determine what essential oils are. Are all oils the same? Most of us think of a yellowish oil made from animal fats, corn, olives or peanuts that you cook with when we think of oils, right? Or maybe we think of the dark substance that goes into our cars that requires changing out every so often. Oils are also used in cosmetics & in the production of paints and plastics. There are certain oils are good for our bodies.............those are essential oils!!!
In an earlier post, I explained to you how I found & started using Young Living Essential oils. If you didn't see that post & would like to, you can read it here. There are so many everyday uses for these essential oils. Did you know that essential oils can support our physical, emotional and spiritual health? One of my favorite sights is the rainbow of goodness in my YLEO bottles.............I LOVE knowing that I have a natural way of taking care of my family!
So what are essential oils exactly??? Essential oils are concentrated liquids from shrubs, flowers, trees, roots, bushes and seeds. These oils are the lifeblood of the plants and are usually extracted through steam distillation or cold pressing. These essential oils protect the plant in similar ways to how own blood works in our bodies: they fight infection, contain hormone-like compounds, and initiate regeneration. Essential oils have a similar chemical structure to that found in our own cells and tissues. This makes them compatible with human protein and enables them to be readily identified and accepted by the body. Because they are made up of tiny molecules, essential oils can penetrate cell membranes and blood and tissues. This enables them to have a wide range of effects on the body and its systems.
You want to make sure that you do your research before deciding which essential oils to use. After I had researched & read for months (comparing various companies & information), I decided that my family will only use Young Living Essential Oils. Why?? It is important to purchase unadulterated, pure, therapeutic-grade essential oils. What is adulteration? I read a great definition for that. I'll share it here.......I do not remember where I read this, but I think it is a perfect definition. "Adulteration- oils that are engineered or extended with the use of synthetic chemicals. It is easy to engineer a scent by imitating one constituent of the essential oil; however it is impossible to imitate the entire constituants of the essential oil. A therapeutic grade essential oil may have hundreds of constituants synergistically working side by side each other. How can a chemist copy all that?" You want to make sure that the oils are steam distilled or cold pressed so that their properties are not altered. Many less expensive oils on the market are diluted with alcohol &/or preservatives.
Young Living's Seed To Seal guarantee sets them apart from the competition!!
Here are a few facts about essential oils...
Saturday, October 11, 2014
My Baby is did that happen???
Our Homeschooling Fun
End of Summer, Start of Fall

Tuesday, September 9, 2014
A new journey..........
Monday, September 1, 2014
A Temporary NEW Premium Starter Kit!!!

Saturday, August 16, 2014
Essential Oils on the go
Tuesday, August 5, 2014
Better from the farm..........
Wednesday, July 30, 2014
An Essential Oils way of life

Wednesday, July 23, 2014
A day in the farmlife......
I really never thought of myself as a farmgirl.......not a citygirl either though. Most of our married life has been lived in more of a country setting. Jim has always loved gardening & animals. So eventually living a farmlife really shouldn't be unexpected. Here's a quick history....... We got our first pet 2 months after we married & we just seem to keep adding animals. Before vet school we had horses, dogs & a cat. After vet school we moved to Prospect, TN for Jim to work at a mixed animal practice in Pulaski. In Prospect we owned a nice little farm, so we added chickens to the mix. A year after Jim graduated vet school, we had Ava. After that we moved to Elkmont & had another small farm. While we were living there it seemed hard to live so far (we thought it was really Far......but it so was NOT) from Athens. So we sold the horses (the chickens had all died) & bought a house ib a subdivision in Athens. 3 months after we moved in Aubrey was born. We lived in town for 3 years & then Jim just really need to stretch his legs. So here we are now with our ever growing farm.