I got my starter kit in February 2014. My only regret is not getting it sooner!! When it arrived I was like a kid at Christmas......just beyond excited. Now we've never been a "sickly" family......just your common minor ailments. Cold, headaches, tummy bug occasionally......you get the idea. But I couldn't wait to take care of my family using my essential oils kit. ;-)
I immediately diffused Thieves & applied it to our feet before bed. We did stay well through the rest of the cold weather.....only the mild, occasional drippy nose or cough. And we immediately learned what other oils we needed in our oily arsenal. I'm very blessed &thankful to God that my family has been so healthy.
I do want to share with you some of the ways we use YLEOs in our home.
One of the first things I did was get me a glass jar & straw set so that I can use my citrus oils in my water......so yummy & refreshing!!!
I made several things to show at my first home Essential Oils 101 class...........fabric softener crystals, face/body cream, eczema cream, & sugar scrub. These were all lovely.
When the pollen was really HIGH & agitating my youngest daughter's seasonal allergies, I made her a roller bottle with the allergy trio (lavender, lemon, & peppermint) & I diffused the allergy trio. Ahhhh.......
one of the favorite things I've done is make this wonderful honey & Thieves throat lozenges. I've got to get more of these made. It is 3/4 cup of local honey heated to 300* then cooled for about 10 minutes. I added 10 drops of Thieves & 5 drops of lemon. Then you drop them on wax paper or in candy molds to harden.
These next 2 oil blends totally Rock my world.............one Wednesday
evening after Bible study the girls were getting dressed for bed & I
heard Ava coughing & it sounded awful!! I thought she was about to
throw up she was coughing so hard. When she came in the kitchen I had the R.C.
ready to apply. I put it on her chest & her throat & then made
her breath it. By the time she went to bed her coughing had stopped
& she slept peacefully the whole night. Also, that night before I
went to bed I had terrible heartburn & did not want to take any
medication. So, I reached for the DiGize & rubbed it on my chest,
tummy, & throat. By the time I got in bed, the heartburn was a lot
better & by the time I fell asleep it was GONE!! Thursday morning
Ava got up & said, "Mommy, that R.C. worked just like that (&
snapped her fingers) last night! I love these oils!" Sure made this
mommy HAPPY!!!
I love that I can add Oregano to my homemade marinara sauce!
I'm still working on getting these recipes to our liking. But I spent one day making homemade sunscreen, lip balm, & deodorant.
One weekend in May I somehow pulled a muscle in my back. I think it was from
walking, carrying a heavy purse, & sitting through hours of seminars on that Friday. By Saturday I could tell that something was wrong in my
lower right back. By Sunday morning I was moving super slow & in a
LOT of pain. I started Sunday afternoon layering my oils valor, panaway, then
peppermint. Next time I would use Deep Relief. Then I would lay on my
hot water bottle or hot corn bag. The oils & heat were helping.
But Monday I was still really sore. So, I did the same oil routine & this afternoon I put Frank, Copaiba, Valor, & Panaway in
some epsom salts & used that in a hot bath. After I got out of the salt bath, it was almost immediate improvement. I couldn't believe how quickly that helped!! Oils win again!!!!
Trying to make myself take care of ME.....that's sometimes hard as a mom. But I'm trying to do better. So I've started walking again. A couple of years ago I was running & I'd love to get back to that.....but right now I'm happy with just walking. I got me some new kicks & I'm applying EnRGee to the bottoms of my feet & peppermint to my knees to help loosen me up & help me feel energized for the workout.
And one more way that I use these oils is to make my own laundry detergent & dryers sheets. For these I use Purification & Lavender. For the detergent, I add the EOs to epsom salts to serve as my softener crystals. For the dryer sheets, I mix water & vinegar & then add EOs. I use an empty wipe container & old washcloths & pour the water, vinegar, EO mix over. I love how these work with my laundry!!
I hope you've enjoyed these little oily tips!!!